Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tai @ 2 months

I'm a bit embarrassed about this next section of photos b/c I have so many photos of Tai. But I just love how much he smiles and love that he smiles for so long. "Tai" means Peaceful Mind in Japanese. In these next photos, Tai seems to be at peace with his world.

Riyam Park

This is Riyam Park, which is fairly close to our house. But unless it is winter, it is too hot to really enjoy it. Now it is getting much cooler so we're outside lots.

Tai sleeping in the shade while we're having fun @ the park.

random ladies at the park- just wanted to show you how women dress here

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Boys and J Visit E @ Work

E's work is a 5 minute walk along the beach from our house. If you look at the photo below, you might be able to see our house (a big white building kinda above C's head). This photo is of J & the boys arriving to E's work site. C running towards E to give him a hug.


The 3 of us leaving the site so E can continue working.

National Day Celebration @ C's School

As National Day was approaching, C & his classmates learned about Oman.  For the school's National Day Celebration, the children at C's school wore clothes from the country they were from. Below you'll see photos of C and the kids from his school singing songs for their proud parents. After they sang, everyone had a big snack (Each family was asked to bring a snack from their country.)  and later played Omani games. 

Cole is very happy with his school. He feels comfortable in his surroundings and loves his classmates and 4 teachers. Eric and I love the fact that most of the kids are Omani. Only about 4 students of the 20 in his class are not Omani. His closest friends are Yahia from Egypt, Quinn from Fiji, Jude from Lebanon, Buthaina and Mohammed from Oman.
Cole and his classmates. Cole and his good friend Quinn from Fiji are the two islanders in Aloha shirts, but Quinn who is sitting right next to him decided to duck for this photo.
Cole's classmates

Sunday, December 14, 2008

A few shots of my boys

Cole's Friend's Birthday Party

Cole and the birthday boy!

One of C's closest friends from school invited him to his birthday party. The party was held at this place that has a dress up area, face painting, arts & crafts, puzzles, tons of books, a climbing wall and an area for kids to pretend their shopping for food, which C especially liked.

My friend Nicole watching her son Quinn (who is also in Cole's class).

Quinn shopping.

Around Town

The streets were filled with Omani flags during the week of National Day. Colorful lights were also hung throughout the city. If these many American flags were all over a town in the States, I would've thought it was way too much. But since they were Omani flags, I loved it.

Cole loves looking out the window during our drives. But he always asks to listen to his favorite music in this order:

  1. 500 Miles by The Proclaimers
  2. Fergalicious & Girls Don't Cry by Fergie
  3. Angry Any More & Everest by Ani Difranco
  4. Better People & Twist by Xavier Rudd

Sohar Roundabout

Many major roundabouts throughout Muscat have some kind of big structure in the middle. This one has a ship called Sohar.  Like the vessel E is working on, it was entirely sewn together with coconut fibre rope, with no nails throughout.  E's boss Tom helped build it, and once Sohar was completed it was then sailed to China in 1981.

My boys waiting for me while I take my photos.